Privacy and Security

How do we maintain privacy and security at Atraf?

Protecting your privacy is our top priority. The new Atraf was created with utmost attention to privacy and data security and innovative security measures to safeguard your personal information. We employ the top data security companies for our state-of-the-art platform, with encrypted communications, secure logins, and the highest cybersecurity. We adhere to the strictest information security, privacy, and cybersecurity protocols to ensure your safety.

Store Your Information Securely

Our servers are secured with the most advanced protection tools on the market: firewalls, application and infrastructure protection clouds, and EDR tools that operate in real time and help identify security breaches and attack attempts.

Periodic Security Checks

We conduct ongoing and periodic security checks of the application’s systems, hosting servers, and overall exterior protection. These checks are executed by top cyber security companies.

Secure Login

Secure logins are executed using only your phone number to prevent unauthorized account use. The connection to Atraf is made via a one-time password sent to the phone every new login.

Use Your Biometric ID for Increased Security

In the new Attarf, you can use the biometric ID technology on your phone - face or fingerprint recognition - every time you log in to the app to secure your personal account and prevent access to others.

Chat Privacy

Your private chats and the content are stored only on your device so that only you can access them. You may back up your private chats to your personal Google Drive so you can access them from another device.

Freeze Your Profile

Freezing your profile will enable you to suspend it from viewing and search results until you decide to restore its visibility.

Delete Your Profile

Deleting your profile allows you to delete your profile entirely on the app. All content will be deleted from the servers, and the data cannot be restored.

Data Encryption and Secure Communication

All personal and sensitive information of Atraf users is encrypted to the strictest standards. Personal information such as your phone number and email address are encrypted and secure on our servers.